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26 Saint Ann Street
Salisbury, England, SP1 2DP
United Kingdom

+44 01545 580854


Prefix Registration

Register your own unique prefix for use when registering your stock with this Society, most other UK societies and even some foreign breed societies.

Please remember that new prefixes must be between 2 and 25 characters long with no spaces, hyphens or apostrophes. Final approval rests with the breed societies concerned and the Central Prefix Register.

Ideally a new prefix should differ from an existing prefix by at least 2 characters and not have any exact or close "soundalikes".
ownload and complete the form below and return it to the BPS with the fee of £50. (Varies with between different Societies)

Also see the Central Prefix Register website for more information.


Extensions to further breed societies costs £20.00 (UK to UK societies) - please write with your old certificate and cheque to CPR, Upper Marshes, Semley, Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK. SP7 9AE.